How to make the London Fog Drink?

How to make the London Fog Drink?

London Fog is a globally popular hot beverage composed mainly of Earl Grey tea, steamed milk and vanilla syrup. Other ingredients are also added to the drink to elevate the taste.

It was invented in the 1990s by Mary Loria in Vancouver, Canada.

It is rumoured that Mary was pregnant and as such wanted some healthy alternative to coffee.

And that is how London Fog was invented.

What is Organic Earl Grey tea? 

Organic Earl Grey is an important ingredient of the London Fog.

Earl Grey tea combines black tea and bergamot which give it a unique flavour.

It is believed that many of the benefits of Earl Grey tea come from its high levels of antioxidants and polyphenols, which help protect against free radicals and inflammation.

At BRW Society, we have added an extra twist to the classic and included blue cornflowers in our blend.

These gorgeous blue flowers look wonderful amongst the rich black tea leaves, but they also add to the flavour, providing some spice and subtle sweetness.

How to make the London Fog?

Now that we know about the history of London Fog and about Organic Earl Grey tea which adds a twist to the taste, let's have a look at how this extraordinary drink is made.


  • 300ml water
  • 3 x BRW Society Organic Earl Grey Teabags
  • 1 teaspoon Maple Syrup, honey, or sweetener of choice
  • 200ml milk or plant-based alternative
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract


1)   Heat the water in a pan until just under boiling point, until the water is 98°.

2)   Turn off the heat and add 2 x BRW Society Organic Earl Grey Teabags.  Leave the teabags in the water for 5 minutes then remove the tea bags.  Once you have removed the teabags add ½ teaspoon of vanilla extract.

3)  Next, prepare the milk or milk alternative.  Do this by adding 1 teaspoon of sweetener to your milk and then heating the milk.  You can heat the milk using a steam wand on a coffee machine or by warming the milk in a pan over a stove until the milk is steaming.  Next froth the milk using an electric milk frother, blender or whisk.

4)  Now you can start preparing your London Fog to drink.  Select two 250ml mugs and pour half of the tea/vanilla extract mixture into each mug.  Lastly, divide the frothed milk between the two mugs.

5)  Enjoy!

The bottom line

So here is a simple way to make your very own London Fog.

This delicious and comforting beverage is an ideal way to start your day or for a cosy afternoon pick-me-up.

So why not give it a try and see for yourself just how easy it can be to make such an indulgent drink?

Happy drinking!

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